The REF-ARAB Project - Team - Tamirace Fakhoury


Tamirace Fakhoury is Associate Professor of Political Science and and Global Refugee and Migration Studies at the Global Refugee Studies Research Group (GRS) at Aalborg University (AAU) in Copenhagen. She is also the Scientific Advisor to the Kuwait Chair at Sciences Po in Paris (2020-2022). Prior to joining AAU, Tamirace was Associate Professor at the Lebanese American University and the director of the Institute for Social Justice and Conflict Resolution (ISJCR). Tamirace serves as a member of REF-ARAB’s Advisory Board.

Tamirace’s core research and publication areas include power-sharing and ethno-sectarian conflicts, migration and refugee governance in conflict areas, international responses to forced migration as well as the European Union’s external policy, and norm contestation in the international system.

She is currently a co-investigator in the multidisciplinary project “Rights for Time” network which looks into shifting the possibilities for humanitarian protection through research on how time conditions war and displacement. She is also a co-investigator in the H2020 project on “Migration Governance and Asylum Crises” (MAGYC).

Tamirace was a visiting assistant professor in the summer sessions at the University of California in Berkeley (2012-2016). In fall 2018 and summer 2019, she was a visiting research fellow at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg/ Centre for Global Cooperation Research where she carried out a project on the European Union’s role in the polycentric governance of displacement.

